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Hello everyone, I'm Yash, a Student Developer who is proficient at Frontend Web Development and knows a great deal about Operating Systems! Currently, I am working on making a Github AWS Pipeline for a college community backend, grinding leetcode on the side. I am also building a community of Developers called NeuroTechh. These are the ones with actual progress thus worth mentioning; I have a million more pending, stay tuned for that :)


ACM Chronicles

Monthly tech newsletter by ACM MPSTME. Lead developer & editor. Built with Astro, Tailwind CSS &


Lead Developer for the ACM MPSTME Studen Chapter Website. The website is built using Astro and Tailwind CSS.

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors game built with OpenCV, Python and Mediapipe. The game is played with hand gestures.

Programming For Eveyone

ACM MPSTME event: Teaching programming to students. Lead developer for website. Built with Astro & Tailwind CSS.

Chat App

A realtime chat app built with React, Firebase and Tailwind CSS. The app is currently discontinued.

DevOps Pipeline

Github Actions pipeline for a college community backend. The pipeline is built with Github Actions and AWS. Under development, stay tuned for the blog post!


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The Github Copilot Effect

I have been using Copilot for a while now and I have mixed feelings about it.


Something Tech

Thoughts on Going about in Tech

There are endless possibilities in the tech sphere, and it can often be overwhelming. Here are my thoughts on how I navigate the tech world.


Something Tech

Dynamic Open Graph Images using Satori and Astro

I wanted to make custom open graph images, similar to how you get on medium so that it looks nicer when I share it on social media..

Web Dev

Something Tech